Providing Clean Water

  • Providing Clean Water

    Providing Clean Water

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  • Rotary Wash in School Program

    RI D3780 Rotary Club of Midtown Quezon City Wash In School Program | Jan 24, 2018 | New Era Elementary School   In its continuous efforts to serve the community of New Era Elementary School the Rotary Club of Midtown Quezon City conducts Hand Wash In School Program to help protect the school community.   With the support and participation of Manila Water Foundation by providing resource speakers saying that proper hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the many types of infections.      

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  • Turn Over Ceremony of Hand Washing Facilities

      “Turn Over Ceremony of Hand Washing Facilities “ A Joint WASH project of D3780 Rotary Club of Midtown Quezon City under the leadership of TGP Sarah Sarah P. Deloraya Mateo and D3680 Rotary Club of Calbayog under TGP Mike Ayong February 7, 2018 Sta Margarita Central School, Sta Margarita,  Samar   Water and Sanitation one of Rotary’s 6 areas of focus. This aims to develop and support appropriate health and hygiene behavior among children leading to healthy school environment.  It Improves childrens health and promotes proper hygiene practices of water and sanitation facilities in schools.     The occasion was graced by DEP ED Representative, School Principal, Teachers, and Students of Sta Margarita      

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  • Shoreline Clean Up Operation at Laong, Samar

    D3780 Rotary Club of Midtown QC Shoreline Cleanup Operation Laong, Samar Feb 08, 2018 Members of  RCMQC headed by TGP Sarah Deloraya Mateo spent Thursday morning at 6:00 am before sunrise doing a shoreline cleanup along Laong a beach resort owned by Rtn Claudia Cupi. Countless pieces of plastic in various colors, together with some pop up cans. and seaweeds were gathered . When the work was done the group got together to share a sumptuous breakfast prepared by Rtn Claudia.It was a great day for Midtowners putting their hearts and soul into it for almost one hour resulting in an amazing amount of garbage removed       

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Balik Eskwela after Typhoon


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec et noster fierent, omnis choro contentiones in sea. Te ius choro essent fastidii, per in accusam eligendi. At per porro vitae oportere.

Motor Boats for Ormoc Fishermen


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec et noster fierent, omnis choro contentiones in sea."

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